DRE Fails as Screening Tool

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DRE Fails as Screening Tool

Post by webslave »

Fails for prostate cancer, that is. Because DRE has been such a "go-to" test for so many decades, I thought this is worth posting.
Cancer detection rate by PSA is four times higher compared to the DRE detection. Around 18% of the tumors are located in the part of the prostate where DRE cannot detect them .... The study adds to the growing body of evidence that DRE may not be especially helpful as either a screening tool or when used in active surveillance of men with prostate cancer. ... digital rectal exam specifically for prostate cancer is going to slowly fade away
Wow. And to think we relied on this nonsense for so long, in many instances. For some men, it was the only prostate cancer screening they ever had. These days, thankfully, you are more likely to get a PSA blood test.
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