Subliminal messages influence our experience of pain

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Subliminal messages influence our experience of pain

Post by Caedar »

Article here. More evidence that pain depends highly on context and assignment of meaning.

Subliminal Messages Influence Our Experience of Pain

The brain can learn to associate certain images with more or less pain, even if the images never reach our awareness
By Simon Makin | Aug 13, 2015

Most people associate the term “subliminal conditioning” with dystopian sci-fi tales, but a recent study has used the technique to alter responses to pain. The findings suggest that information that does not register consciously teaches our brain more than scientists previously suspected. The results also offer a novel way to think about the placebo effect.

Our perception of pain can depend on expectations, which explains placebo pain relief—and placebo's evil twin, the nocebo effect (if we think something will really hurt, it can hurt more than it should). Researchers have studied these expectation effects using conditioning techniques: they train people to associate specific stimuli, such as certain images, with different levels of pain. The subjects' perception of pain can then be reduced or increased by seeing the images during something painful.

Most researchers assumed these pain-modifying effects required conscious expectations, but the new study, from a team at Harvard Medical School and the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, led by Karin Jensen, shows that even subliminal input can modify pain—a more cognitively complex process than most that have previously been discovered to be susceptible to subliminal effects
Age: 26 | Onset Age: 23 | Symptoms: Neuropathic-like pain and hyperalgesia (lateral/anterior thighs mostly, but distributed throughout body); Pain (penis shaft, right side, when erect for long or excess masturbation) | Previous Symptoms: Pain (testicles; penis underside, mostly near base and running up urethra, sharp/burning; perennial region, dull; ejaculatory; post-ejaculatory); Urinary (moderate incomplete voiding; moderate frequency and pain on bladder filling); Sensations (cold in head of penis) | Helped By: Stretching (especially hip rotators and flexors); Yoga (especially lunges, warrior 2, and pigeon) Trigger point release (abdominals; iliopsoas; gluteus muscles and piriformis; bulbospongiosus & ischiocavernosus; thigh adductors); Meditation (mindfulness); Walking & Aerobic Exercise | Worsened By: Stress, anxiety, too much alcohol, lack of sleep, sitting at length | Current prescriptions: nortriptyline (10 mg, 1x at night; for CNS sensitization and IBS) Previous prescriptions: hydroxyzine (10 mg, 1x at night; for urinary symptoms/mast cell stabilization; useful), clonazepam (0.25-0.5 mg, 1x at night; for anxiety/CNS sensitization; useful for short time)
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